A few weeks ago our daffodils finally began to bloom. They were a little late because of the cold, wet Spring we've been experiencing here. One evening I took little Lucy out for a walk. She had just learned to walk so she held tightly to my hand as we crossed the bumpy lawn.
Suddenly she began to squeal with delight and began toddling as fast as she could to the flower bed. She stood right in front of a delicate yellow daffodil, touched it gently, and laughed. I looked at the daffodil and at Lucy and smiled.
My little one had given me a gift that evening. Completely subconsciously on her part, she had given me something to treasure. I saw that daffodil with fresh eyes. There it was, a piece of golden sunshine, swaying in the wind, beckoning me to laugh with delight just as Lucy did.
What a reminder to consider the lilies of the field, who neither "toil nor spin" but are dressed more splendidly than Solomon in all his glory! How much more will God not clothe me?
With little Lucy completely trusting that she would not fall if she held tightly to my finger, she was free to enjoy that flower. Trusting completely in my heavenly Father's provision for me leaves me free to enjoy Him. After all, that is what He wants from us as the Westminster Shorter Catechism states so well: "Man's chief end [main purpose or goal] is to glorify God and to enjoy Him forever."
What a privilege I have to nurture these little people living in my home and one of the side benefits is seeing the world through their eyes and being reminded of the great lessons God has revealed in His Word!